How is junior idols/culture seen in Japan? (2024)

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  • Thread starterOlympusRoyalMon
  • Start date16 Mar 2020
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4 Aug 2019
  • 16 Mar 2020
  • #1

So I know idols are a thing and all and there exist junior idols. I have been aware that junior idol problematic as when I googled it, I found images of girls in their early teens in swimsuits and suggestive poses...which doesn't sit well with me at all. So I was wondering, how is junior idol culture seen in japan? Is it condoned or seen as problematic




6 Mar 2003
  • 16 Mar 2020
  • #2

It's considered normal more or less.


4 Aug 2019
  • 16 Mar 2020
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  • #3

mdchachi said:

It's considered normal more or less.

Really? Like I said, it looks problematic cuz of what I mentioned




6 Mar 2003
  • 16 Mar 2020
  • #4

OlympusRoyalMon said:

Really? Like I said, it looks problematic cuz of what I mentioned

Well let's see what current residents say. Maybe things have changed.


12 Oct 2004
  • 16 Mar 2020
  • #5

I'm a current resident in Japan (I've been here for about fifteen years).
A blanket "it's considered normal" doesn't seem quite accurate to me.
It's true that a lot of grown men are into that sort of thing here (certainly far, far more than you'd expect to see in Western countries.)
That said, I get the impression that there's certainly a fair percentage of the adult population who would regard that interest as kind of creepy (in a sense somewhat similar to how an "otaku" overly obsessed with female anime characters or whatever would be stigmatized).
Perhaps not quite to the degree you'd see in the West (where the vast majority of people would probably think you're a pedophile), but it's definitely not the sort of thing where pretty much everyone is into it and they can profess their interest and put up sexy pictures of preteen girls on their office desk and have no one bat an eyelash.


4 Aug 2019
  • 16 Mar 2020
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  • #6

bentenmusume said:

I'm a current resident in Japan (I've been here for about fifteen years).
A blanket "it's considered normal" doesn't seem quite accurate to me.
It's true that a lot of grown men are into that sort of thing here (certainly far, far more than you'd expect to see in Western countries.)
That said, I get the impression that there's certainly a fair percentage of the adult population who would regard that interest as kind of creepy (in a sense somewhat similar to how an "otaku" overly obsessed with female anime characters or whatever would be stigmatized).
Perhaps not quite to the degree you'd see in the West (where the vast majority of people would probably think you're a pedophile), but it's definitely not the sort of thing where pretty much everyone is into it and they can profess their interest and put up sexy pictures of preteen girls on their office desk and have no one bat an eyelash.

Why is it tolerated though?
But I mean, those men are pedos I'm sure




6 Mar 2003
  • 16 Mar 2020
  • #7

bentenmusume said:

I'm a current resident in Japan (I've been here for about fifteen years).
A blanket "it's considered normal" doesn't seem quite accurate to me.
It's true that a lot of grown men are into that sort of thing here (certainly far, far more than you'd expect to see in Western countries.)
That said, I get the impression that there's certainly a fair percentage of the adult population who would regard that interest as kind of creepy (in a sense somewhat similar to how an "otaku" overly obsessed with female anime characters or whatever would be stigmatized).
Perhaps not quite to the degree you'd see in the West (where the vast majority of people would probably think you're a pedophile), but it's definitely not the sort of thing where pretty much everyone is into it and they can profess their interest and put up sexy pictures of preteen girls on their office desk and have no one bat an eyelash.

I think the target market of teen idols is mainly other teens is it not? Or are we talking about pin-up girls only?

By "normal" I didn't mean widespread for grown men to be into them. But at the same time, I think it's somewhat unremarkable.
It wouldn't surprise me to see an adult looking at a teen idol mag on the train, creepy or not.


Freelance proofreader


26 Sep 2015
  • 16 Mar 2020
  • #8

I agree with bentenmusume that it's not considered normal but it is tolerated, and there is a blurring between girls and women in Japanese society that I find unpleasant. Examples are the Pretty Cure anime series, whose core audience are small girls and a certain type of man (my train line sometimes does stamp rallies to promote the series and you'd be surprised how many sweaty men take part), the prevalence of adult women in school uniform on TV, and bands of little girls dancing getting the same kind of adulation from adult male fans that adult idol groups receive. I've also seen girls under 16 in bikinis promoted as the next generation of idols in weekly magazines.


4 Aug 2019
  • 16 Mar 2020
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  • #9

Lothor said:

I agree with bentenmusume that it's not considered normal but it is tolerated, and there is a blurring between girls and women in Japanese society that I find unpleasant. Examples are the Pretty Cure anime series, whose core audience are small girls and a certain type of man (my train line sometimes does stamp rallies to promote the series and you'd be surprised how many sweaty men take part), the prevalence of adult women in school uniform on TV, and bands of little girls dancing getting the same kind of adulation from adult male fans that adult idol groups receive. I've also seen girls under 16 in bikinis promoted as the next generation of idols in weekly magazines.


Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #10

bentenmusume said:

but it's definitely not the sort of thing where pretty much everyone is into it and they can profess their interest and put up sexy pictures of preteen girls on their office desk and have no one bat an eyelash.

Post your sexual obsession now and lets see who bats an eyelash. If you dare to be honest ( and I doubt you will) we will see how you get judged.

See, its less to do with what you like and more to do with how you just cannot be open about sexual things at all and I curse people for that. Its the origin of a lot of this unfair and unproductive condemnation and its ALWAYS directed at male sexuality.

Men better learn to start sticking up for each other. Attacking each other is weakening us all. Stop it. For yourself and all of us.

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Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #11

OlympusRoyalMon said:

it looks problematic cuz of what I mentioned

It "looks" problematic to YOU and you mentioned NOTHING that qualifies as a "cuz" whatsoever. All you did was chuck out a prejudgment based on your culture, and I assure you your culture is nothing to base your judgments on nor even be proud of.

OlympusRoyalMon said:

Why is it tolerated though?

Why is anything tolerated? Society could and pretty much has taken issue with damn near anything and everything. In Middle ages Europe they used to cover table legs with cloth because they were deemed "sexually explicit". Crazy? Absolutely. Any topic of human sexuality will glean truck loads of crazy every time. So my advice is unless you can connect a concrete problem to this concretely (and you won't be able to) then don't judge it as "problematic".

Further I think you would do better to ask yourself why this is NOT tolerated where you are from. That discussion will actually be a lot more productive just as long as you learn to spot all the falseness in the "reasons".

Then again, there are child beauty pageants to talk lets not pretend there is zero tolerance.

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12 Oct 2004
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #12

Mark of Zorro said:

Post your sexual obsession now and lets see who bats an eyelash. If you dare to be honest ( and I doubt you will) we will see how you get judged.

See, its less to do with what you like and more to do with how you just cannot be open about sexual things at all and I curse people for that. Its the origin of a lot of this unfair and unproductive condemnation and its ALWAYS directed at male sexuality.

Men better learn to start sticking up for each other. Attacking each other is weakening us all. Stop it.

I'm not sure what I said to offend you. I was simply trying to answer the OP's question about how these things are perceived in general in Japan. (With a caveat that it is impossible to speak in broad terms about how all people in a given country or culture perceive certain things.)

I was not passing any judgment on people with certain obsessions, only expressing what I believe to be a fairly objective fact that some people will pass judgment about such things, and others won't.

You seem to have very strong opinions about male sexuality. I imagine I probably agree with you on some points and disagree on others. That was not, however, a discussion I was trying to trigger or enter into with my initial, entirely non-confrontational comment.

Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #13

Lothor said:

there is a blurring between girls and women in Japanese society that I find unpleasant.

And there is blurring between girls and women in YOUR society that you don't find unpleasant. I guarantee this. Women everywhere emulate "girls" in some fashion. Not consciously seeing it is a just a form of denial.

Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #14

bentenmusume said:

I'm not sure what I said to offend you.

Sorry for my attitude but topics like this do tend to trigger and frustrate me. In the focus on certain topics the general and all important themes get lost, and its a never-ending source of irritation for me.

NO MAN is free do display his sexual kicks without some sort of negative condemnation. Women especially simply will NOT allow it to be any other way. As such its next to nothing to do with interest in junior idols that gets a man labeled "creep". Its simply knowing what floats his boat that does it. Hardly matters if its big boobs, big butt, anal sex, bondage, MILFs or whatever. No man is free to be open and honest....and that too angers me as it hurts us men.


4 Aug 2019
  • 17 Mar 2020
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  • #15

Mark of Zorro said:

Sorry for my attitude but topics like this do tend to trigger and frustrate me. In the focus on certain topics the general and all important themes get lost, and its a never-ending source of irritation for me.

NO MAN is free do display his sexual kicks without some sort of negative condemnation. Women especially simply will NOT allow it to be any other way. As such its next to nothing to do with interest in junior idols that gets a man labeled "creep". Its simply knowing what floats his boat that does it. Hardly matters if its big boobs, big butt, anal sex, bondage, MILFs or whatever. No man is free to be open and honest....and that too angers me as it hurts us men.

You have issues man. You defend pedophilia.

Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #16

OlympusRoyalMon said:

You have issues man. You defend pedophilia.

I was told the same when I defended gays, masterbators and inter-racial couples.

You cannot even define "pedophilia".

I assure you the issues are all yours.

Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 17 Mar 2020
  • #17

OlympusRoyalMon said:

early teens in swimsuits and suggestive poses

This sort of language really gets my goat. What pose ISN'T suggestive to someone? Just sitting down is a potentially sexual position. Standing with hands on the sides of the neck and elbows out, holding long hair behind is suggestive. Or hands on hips and turned toward the camera suggests a sexual interest to the viewer.

People see sex in everything. The only reason they get all indignant about it is because their needs are not being met. And if there is a thing we can indeed label perversion (and I debate it) then I once again state its because needs are not being met.

And I cannot say if Japan is making a conscious decision in this but I suspect not, but Japan is safer for young people than any of the first world crap holes people who complain about this stuff comes from. My own country, the United States has more teen rapes, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, motherhood and I am also sure, kidnappings and runaways. Only Canada beats us in teen suicide but is close enough in all the other horrors. Who the HELL would listen to someone who says they should do as America does in any way, shape or form concerning this? Put your emotions aside and look at some data. Whether Japanese have or not they are still doing the right thing by not giving a damn.

Mark of Zorro

4 Oct 2012
  • 18 Mar 2020
  • #18

It is really quite telling when you bring up child safety you have people like this who won't even consider it in their rush to attack perceived "pedophiles". It really shows where their priorities lie and where they don't. People like this (most in fact) don't give a single damn for kids. They just want to attack some subgroup for their own pleasure, and it could be literally any subgroup deemed worthy of attack....and there have been so many over the centuries. Is it not fascinating how no one attacked Thomas Jefferson for having sex with a 14 year old? No. At that time the issue was that she was Black. Now that situation has completely flip in its okay that she was Black but bad that she was 14. Why? Cause people really are just talking animals after all.

This also reminds me of the people who whine about abortion while promoting policies that ensure the demand for abortion increases. They are like a double secret troll, or perhaps a subconscious one. They also don't care about the (unborn) children they pretend to. They only care for the pleasure of condemning and vilifying others. Also perhaps just having a fight to fight.

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How is junior idols/culture seen in Japan? (2024)


How is junior idols/culture seen in Japan? ›

The junior idol industry is a highly contentious one in Japan due to its depiction of underage children.

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An idol (アイドル, aidoru, from the English word "idol") in the Japanese pop culture is a young media personality (a singer, an actor, a model, etc.). This is usually a teenager, who has a cute and innocent public image. Idols are a separate category of Japanese artists.

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Idols in Japan

Idols are an important part of Japanese pop culture. Entertainers that fall into this category are often not regarded as professionals, but rather project the image of an aspiring artist that is more approachable to fans and encourages people to support them.

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Idols grew in popularity over the 1970s, as they offered audiences escapism from political violence and radical student movements. Idols at the time were seen as ephemeral because of how short-lived their careers were, and how they would disappear from the public after retirement.

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AKB48 have been characterized as a social phenomenon. They are among the highest-earning musical acts in Japan, and are the fifth-best-selling girl group worldwide.

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It is a sub-category of the idol culture in Japanese pop entertainment. Junior idols are primarily gravure idols who are marketed through photo books and image DVDs, but some are also trained in singing and acting.

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There is no "default retirement age for a K-pop idol." In reality, idols can retire whenever they want or when the group is not successful (something that has happened a lot) and what the company invests in them is more than the income that the record label receives from promoting the group.

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Although most K-pop is produced in South Korea, there is a thriving community of listeners right here in Japan. In the 2023 album sale rankings compiled by Oricon, 41 of the top 100 selling albums of the year in Japan were K-pop albums!

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They promote more in Japan. While most k-pop groups do promote in Japan, most idols are not able to speak Japanese. The ones who are able to speak Japanese are usually native Japanese speakers who go to Korea to become idols, where they learn Korean.

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With a dedicated mostly male fan base, this industry has been plagued with an array of issues, including the objectification, sexualization and infantilization of its often teenaged performers.

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It can be assumed that the portrayal might be a strategy used to hoist their popularity over the other girl groups in Japan. Therefore, the sexualized depiction of the idols is actually proven to be successful in making the group popular.

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To minimise dating scandals, many K-pop agencies reportedly enforce "no-dating" clauses in idol contracts. This puts a hold on idols' romantic lives for the duration of their contract, aiming to protect the group and the agency from negative publicity.

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A male idol group so famous in Japan. In Japan, there are many groups or bands made up of artists who dance, sing, perform, and appear on television in various programs. These artists are called 'idols' and they are a large part of the Japanese music industry or J-pop.

What is Japanese idol culture? ›

Japanese idols are entertainers that mainly work in Japanese pop culture. They're mostly singers, but some eventually become actors or models. And of course, they have to learn how to dance. Many companies market their idols on their ability to sell dreams.

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The 'girly' picture meaning. This is the meaning you're looking for in your context. In the world of Japanese pop culture, “gravure” means a gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru?) or gradol ((グラドル guradoru?). She's a Japanese female model (sometimes mixed Japanese-European), aged anywhere between preteen to early 30s.

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After a slump in early idol music, from 2003, TVXQ and BoA started a new generation of K-pop idols that broke the music genre into the neighboring Japanese market and continue to popularize K-pop internationally today.

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1. Idol Culture. Idol culture in K-pop involves entertainment agencies grooming young talents to become pop idols through intensive training in singing, dancing, and more. These multi-talented performers foster close connections with fans through interactions and social media, contributing to K-pop's global success.

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With an estimated market size of 280 billion yen and a large fan base, the idol market is one of the most prominent subsets of Japan's otaku market. Idols are performers who engage in a range of activities, such as singing and acting, and have an enthusiastic fan base.

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