Moon Rising (Wings of Fire, #6) (2024)

Liz Logan

666 reviews3 followers

September 15, 2021

I was so excited to receive this book! A new set of dragonets and a new set of stories! Although I am glad that the original dragonets are still going to play a role in the series, I am also glad that they look like they're going to be background players and give the new characters room for growth and shining. I liked the extremely introspective character of Moon. I think her difference in personality shows Sutherland's ability to write very well as her characters have many differences but also similarities. I never once felt like I was reading cannibalized or recycled material from the original group of characters. I also found it fantastically interesting that Darkstalker came back into the series after his brief mention before and how much depth he brought to the Nightwing tribe. One of my few negative thoughts: some of the students are the same age or older than the dragonets of prophecy. How are they able to teach adequately? I realize that Webs, a much older dragon, is there, but I am surprised that other older dragons or dragons with experience, such as Six-Claws are not there to help.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    children series yes


278 reviews10 followers

May 9, 2015

(spoilers) To my surprise, I enjoyed this book more than the original five. The prophecy dragonets were so well developed as they discovered their families and kingdoms that I assumed the next generation would be but a shadow of the suspense. Instead, integrating the school has presented challenges for healing, overcoming prejudice, and finding more "truth" in old history. I definitely feel sorry for Darkstalker My favorite "mind," though, is Qibli because he quickly analyzes the situation and people's motives. It will be interesting to see Ice's mysterious and bright point-of-view, especially since he has to confront a lost brother and a wicked sister. I'm excited to stay connected to Glory in a future book since she is the next target for leverage with the lingering vengeful Scarlet!

    adolescent fantasy-science-fiction tangible-library


1,149 reviews585 followers

May 3, 2016

Actual Rating: 4.7

Wow wow wow! So much fun! My favorite in the series by far.

I found this to be rather delightful! I connected with Moon very early on. She's quite a likable character, which made this a great book.

I loved the new cast! Qibli, Winter, Kinkajou, and Moon were just wonderful. Not that I didn't like the original characters, but these were so much more fun!

This was such an easy read. I was immediately sucked into the school environment and really enjoyed meeting the new characters and exploring the new setting.

Moon is a mind reader, which made her perspective extremely unique, and I had a lot of fun reading from that perspective. I loved seeing in depth into the other characters, and there were several aw-inducing moments.

This story was much more layered and complex than the others, and I highly recommend it. If anything, you'll be entertained!

Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany)

2,576 reviews4,252 followers

March 5, 2024

Read this to my kids and I continue to think the series is excellent! Moon Rising is the start of a new story arc with new young characters. Moon is a Nightwing with a big secret- she can hear thoughts and see visions of possible futures. But all she wants is to make friends when everything is so overwhelming. It's interesting because some of Moon's internal experiences feel very akin to being neurodiverse and finding ways to cope with sensory overload, or social anxiety. Which is great for kids. Really enjoyed this.


98 reviews102 followers

December 3, 2020

A stunning start to the second arc of the Wings of Fire Series, it only took me two sittings to read with the twists and turns of this new story!


701 reviews1,701 followers

February 9, 2016

This was such a great continuation of the world. We meet a new group of dragons that we'll be following for the next however many books. This book is about Moonwatcher "Moon" who is a dragon that was raised away from her tribe, so she doesn't really fit in with any group. She also can read other dragons' minds which definitely causes some problems. As usual, I thoroughly enjoyed my reading experience with this one, and I love how this world is progressing. I thought the problems in this book could have definitely been solved by just talking to someone, anyone about what Moon was experiencing, so I thought it could have been avoided. But I did like the drama and learning more about each character through Moon's eyes. Oh, there is also an lgbt+ dragon in this book. There's no romantic stuff that happens with any of the dragons, but some people like to know if there are lgbt+ characters in books.

    dragons middle-grade-high-fantasy

Kitten Senpai

9 reviews7 followers

March 31, 2015


Rebecca L

Author2 books85 followers

April 21, 2015

This book was awesome! I really enjoyed the first five books in the Wings of Fire series and I was so not let down with this sixth book which starts on a whole new path with new dragons and new adventures, intrigues, and suspense! I can't wait until the next book comes out!

    2015-reads fantasy favorite


10 reviews23 followers

December 22, 2019

Greatest intro to darkstalker ever!!

Moon is one of my top ten wings of fire 🔥 characters along with Darkstalker and sundew(from book 13).

Never knew that darkstalker was such a big part of books 📚 6-10.

Thanks for listening,goodbye!!

P.S review was written after I read book 1-13

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


39 reviews3 followers

January 30, 2015

I don't normally write reviews for the children's books I read because I, uh, I read a lot of children's books and then everyone would read the reviews and know how many I read. But this one is so good. Seriously so good. I want to give it six stars but that's not possible.

Gist of the thing: it's a few years after the first five Wings of Fire books, and our favorite characters from that series are teachers now at a school that attempts to mend the fear and hatred among the dragon tribes caused by the long war. Moonwatcher is a Nightwing, and she's the first Nightwing in two thousand years to actually be born with powers.

Using her powers of mind-reading and prophecy, she and her mismatched group of sometimes-friends, sometimes-enemies attempt to stop a series of basically terrorist attacks on the school, perpetrated by an outside force using someone among them. But there are hints of where the new series is going, as Moon's powers also allow someone to get in contact with her--someone we never heard about in the first series but has a deep history with the dragon tribes.

It's extremely well-written with wonderfully crafted characters. And it's like Harry Potter but with dragons. So go read it. Because Harry Potter with dragons, I can't really stress that enough.

Julia Thorn

13 reviews1 follower

January 5, 2015

The previous dragonets of destiny have stopped the war, and have decided to build an academy to teach younger dragons to get along better than their ancestors, so another war like that won't happen again. The story is in the point of view of Moonwatcher, or Moon, for short. Moon is a very special nightwing, and not just because she was raised in the forest away from the other nightwings. Moon can read minds. Not only that, but she can see the future, at least a little bit. No nightwing has had those powers, or any for that matter, for centuries, if they even had any at all. All Moon's mother has ever told her was to "Stay hidden, stay secret, stay safe". But when Moon goes to the Jade Mountain Academy, the school set up by the Dragonets of Destiny, there are more dragons there than she's seen in her entire life, so that means so many of others' thoughts swimming in her head she can barely take it. She sees the horrible memories of dragonets who fought and those of ones who lost loved ones. Then she overhears someone saying that they're planning a murder, and needs to find out how to stop it. Suddenly a mysterious voice appears in her head teaching her how to use her powers. Will Moon be able to keep her new friends and solve who the to-be murderer is, or will everyone find out about her secret and not trust her? If your liked the previous books in the series then you will most certainly like this, maybe even better! I know I did.


752 reviews93 followers

July 23, 2021

I always forget how fun and disturbing these are

Lizzie Hutchings

258 reviews12 followers

June 7, 2021

Ugh, I love this book so much.

"You're a mind reader. All you have to do is walk around the school until you hear someone's mind going, 'Well done, me; tip-top explosion I caused today; aren't I a clever arsonist.'"

I was just about to type that this is my all time favorite in the Wings of Fire realm, but then again there's also Darkstalker and Talons of Power and Darkness of Dragons and UGH THEY'RE ALL JUST SO GOOD!

Obviously, if you can't already tell, I think that the second arc is superior to all other WoF arcs, and this was just a fan*tas*tic intro to this arc.

Storytime. Waaaay back when I was a hecka slow reader I was just hop-skippin' my way through this series, when BAM! I came across this glorious book that I read in one day. Which was quite the feat for little fifth grade me, I tell you. And my love for this book has not decreased at all. (This was also the very first book that I re-read for fun).

It was amazing to get to read it again from a more critical standpoint, because I just love seeing how amazing of an author Tui T. Sutherland is. She really personifies these dragons to reflect such important themes and qualities. Who knew I'd ever be saying that a troupe of dragons are such good role models. I keep ranting about how good these books are, and that they changed my life, and I'm not joking. Perhaps you readers won't have such a high opinion of them reading for the first time as (you know) mature adults. But I just love them, so, I don't know, have your children read them or something.

I also love Sutherland's humor, the banter is *literally everything* in these books, and the sarcasm is amazing. I just--agh.

Have a fantastic evening 😎.



2 reviews

April 20, 2015

This book was amazing. I absolutely love this series, and this one didn't let me down. Something Tui. T. Sutherland does with the books that I really appreciate is that she always leaves a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter, which makes me crave the next and it makes it hard to put down the book! I loved all the characters from the first ark, and I'm glad they all return in the new series. She also did a great job developing the characters. Moon starts off as a shy, quiet dragon with who doesn't feel like she belongs due to her powers that could destroy her life, but in the end, she becomes that character everyone wished for her to be. Also, during the classroom fire scene, I was literally shaking! I usually only get scared like that during horror movies, but this was the first time a book has done that to me! However, as for one thing I didn't really like is that the academy has dragons of all ages, which I find kind of weird. A 6 year old in the same class with a 1 year old? But that's just my opinion. Overall really great book and definitely worth the read.


852 reviews27 followers

October 25, 2020

I had wondered how Tui Sutherland was going to top her first Dragonet Quartet, yet somehow, she’s created an even more adorable protagonist for her second series in this world.
She keeps the characters, and more importantly, their integrity as continuing secondary characters from the first quartet, and builds more depth into her world.

I have ZERO shame in having this many feels about children’s books.

    adorable childrens comfort-read


10 reviews4 followers

November 2, 2022

I absolutely LOVE THIS BOOK! The plot is excellent, the characters are good, and it is perfection in a book! It ois probably my favorite book. I also love the rest of the series! It is a must read! Age group 7 to really any age.


282 reviews

August 23, 2020

60% Good

What I thought of Moon Rising Wings of Fire bk 6 was fast paced and all, but was not very capturing. Filled with Moon's annoying worry wort thinking, the character development was not very good. This book was just whatever.

Favorite Character: Turtle.

Least-Favorite Character: Darkstalker.

Author: Tui T. Sutherland
Pages: 336 (I listened on digiplayer and it was 7 hours 30 minutes long.)
Ages: 10+

Whole Series:



Author2 books4 followers

November 13, 2015

A fantastic beginning to the next arc of the Wings of Fire story. I loved all of the characters (especially Qibli and the title character Moon) and was not disappointed with the many cameos by the main characters of the first five books (their character direction was excellent). The plot was intriguing and provided a good setup for the next few books (I assume it will probably be another five).

Some SPOILERS to follow.

The mind-reading ability of the main character, Moonwatcher, made for an interesting and very enjoyable point of view. This ability allowed for a huge amount of character development, insight, and background to be provided for the other characters. In fact, I am somewhat worried about losing out on this insightful position in future books. I am also worried about losing the character of Darkstalker, who we only heard because of Moon's ability. His faint narcissism and snarky sarcasm were absolutely delightful, and a very good subversion of the ancient villain imprisoned only to rise again character trope.

One disappointment was the death of Carnelian, a skywing dragon: I was excited at the possibility of finally getting a book in a skywing's point of view, and there was a great deal of wasted potential I saw in the character (although I still do love the other characters dearly).

Wings of Fire in general touches on some pretty mature themes for a slightly younger-audience series, and Moon Rising seemed to up the ante in this regard, touching on the many psychological traumas that can result from a long and grueling war fought partially by youths. Peril, Sora, and Flame especially struck me as very tragic characters, but pretty much all of the characters seemed to have some major issues involving the war and I hope that these theme threads will be continued in the future books of this series arc. Witnessing the healing the characters go through would be very rewarding, considering all of the pain and loss the war caused them.


Overall, this book was fantastic and made me very excited for future Wings of Fire books (despite starting off with a whole new set of main characters). The characterization is and always has been my most favorite part of this series (funny how these dragons seem more human than most of the human characters in other books!). Looking forward to Winter Turning!



734 reviews24 followers

January 6, 2016

This was a fantastic new book in the Wings of Fire series!

I was interested to see how the book would go now that the original prophecy is over and the Nightwings have been exposed as frauds. Or are they?

In this book we not only see a brand new character, Moonwatcher, but through her we also learn more about the history of the Nightwings and how they receive and then lost their powers.

Faces both old and new appear in this book to mixed results. While the idea of a school that brings all the tribes together is a good one, we see that in practice there is still much that needs to be worked out. Scars from the war both physical and emotional are still very fresh in many dragons minds. New alliances and Queen have been set up while old ones are tenuous in this new world.

Added to that is Moonwatcher, a Nightwing who really does have the gifts of mind reading and prophecy. Something dangerous is going on at Jade Mountain academy and an animus dragon known as Darkstalker could be tied up with it. But is he genuinely trying to help? Or do the stores about him, while exaggerated, still hold a kernel of truth about how dangerous he is?

The truth remains to be seen but one thing for sure is that this is still a very dangerous new world for all the dragons.

Moon was a great new character to read about and the interactions between her and the other dragons at the academy were interesting to watch especially with the addition of her mind reading. She's able to see past other's outward appearances and see what they really think and feel. Not always to her benefit however.

This is a strong start to a new story arc and a fantastic addition to the series as a whole.

    just-furry-things middle-grade


8 reviews


February 11, 2020

It Was Cool!


1,394 reviews24 followers

April 5, 2015

For centuries, the NightWings have misled the other dragons about their mystical abilities. Recently, thanks to the dragonets of destiny, everybody now knows it's all a lie. But Moonwatcher is a NightWing who very much has the ability to read minds and see the future, abilities she keeps secret at her mother's request. As one of the new students at Jade Mountain Academy, she wants nothing more than to blend in and try to make a few friends. It isn't long, though, before her powers might be needed. Someone is causing trouble, and dragonets are dying . . .

Although technically book 6 in the Wings of Fire series, this volume starts a new arc with a new group of dragons. Moonwatcher is young, shy, and having trouble with her first few days at school---a predicament made more interesting by the fact that she can hear what everyone around her is thinking. Many of the dragonets from the previous books show up, but more in the background, as this is Moon's story more than theirs.

I enjoyed the humor, like when Tsunami finding out she has brothers, or most of Kinkajou's enthusiastic approach to life. I especially liked the whole "pets are a responsibility" speech given when the dragons are discussing Winter's scavenger (ie, human) pet.

Overall this is a good start to a new arc, and a good place to jump in if readers haven't gone through the previous five yet. The plot sets up a new prophecy, a new danger, and a new band of unlikely companions out to save the world. I rate this book Recommended.

C. L.

340 reviews17 followers

April 21, 2015

Sooooo. With this, we've sort of entered the "Legend of Korra" part of the Wings of Fire series; while it features the original characters, the focus is on a new set of dragonets. (Frankly, I rather wish the new books had their own subdivision, kind of like the Warriors series.) And I won't lie: I don't like the new ones as much. The shy special powers girl who draws the fascination of the brooding damaged boy for no discernible reason... I've had enough of that. But the side characters are decent (particularly one likable-yet-untrustworthy cursed individual) and I'm still sufficiently invested in the original characters (WHAT HAPPENS TO CLAY AND PERIL) to stick with it. Here's hoping. Recommended, but more for what was and could be than for what is.

    fantasy mid-grade read-in-2015

Olivia A.

12 reviews1 follower

December 16, 2021

OMG when i finished the book i needed to get book 7. personaly i thought Turtle was the one in Moon's head but it was Darkstalker?! And in The Jade Mountain Prophecy, like Qibli said, whats with the words "dark" and "stalker" being so close together in a prophecy fortelling death.
dark-> darksalker<-stalker...
Me no trust Darkstalker anymore not that i trusted him in the first place.

(personily i ship Darkstalker and Moon but i also ship Moon and Winter. Darkstalker because IDK but Winter because 2 reasons; first of two tribe who hate each other in <3 and secondly i want another Darkstalker. O did i forget to metion Dalkstalkers mom is a nightwing but his dad is and icewing.)

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Philip Le

22 reviews1 follower

February 20, 2015

"Moon Rising",a book created by Tui T. Sutherland, is a satisfactory introduction to a new season of dragons. As Moon,a telepathic NightWing, starts to go to Jade Mountain Academy, disaster strikes in the first week.Only she can find the most dangerous dragon in the newfound Jade Mountain Academy. These characters are portrayed with a huge range of emotions,from obnoxiously happy to a dark evil,which give them the illusion of being real.All in all,this is a fine book to start of the new arc of The Wings of Fire.

Dakota★Magic in Every Book

714 reviews116 followers

November 19, 2017

I adored the first Wings of Fire series, and this spin-off has debuted just as marvelously as the original series. Sutherland is brilliant!


456 reviews66 followers

February 1, 2020

4 stars. New character. I like Moon!


Steve S

738 reviews2 followers

February 21, 2022

I can see why my kid likes this one. Listened on audiobook and the narrator does a quality job.

    2-6th-grade dragon fantasy


11 reviews

October 24, 2022

This one was one of my favorites!


237 reviews9 followers

September 14, 2023

I like how they added like 20 characters in one book and gave up on giving like 2 of the main characters actual personalities. I like that the main characters from the last arc are still around but they really wild just fade into the background a little more, it’s weird that some of the students are.. older than the teachers but whatever I guess. The powers are cool but it’s going to be annoying having not having them for the next books because then Darkstalker will just become a forgotten thing. Darkstalker was honestly the most interesting character, since every time a character other than Moon tried to have character development some problem occurred so that a different character could have the spotlight, oh well there’s still more books for all that. I like Moon, but I wish there was a little bit more to her than her powers, great first book though.

Cassandra Hamm

Author23 books63 followers

September 20, 2023

You know I’m weak for both animal stories and magic school stories. Might be even better than the first series?? *gasp* RTC!

    2023-favorites animal-mcs dragons
Moon Rising (Wings of Fire, #6) (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.