The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

Saturday. July 13, 1991TIIF. CINCINNATI ENQt'lRER Houses for Rent 240 Day Care, Service Medical Dental Child Care Help Wanted 250 280 305 312 345 350 for Rent Instruction Management D-9 360 Restaurants Restaurants ANDFRSON--2 3 bdrm, fully DAYCARE-ln Symmes Twp EXPERIENCEO-Person to MAINE VILLELANDEN-5 bdrm, 2'i baths house, 360 355 MANAGEMENT MEDICAL BILLING -Part time, l5-20hr wk, in Norwood. Resume required. Call Professional HotelsLounges HotelsLounges pqmpt, fin.

lower level, SOO WIS. 1 year lease. 231-4727, Montg home, Ig yard, activities, hot lunch, TLC. 791-0406 care for our 6 mo old in our Amberley village home. Refs required.

Salary hours ne- TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDEDI No experience necessary. 21 or older. Will train In DESK CLERK -ARMADA INN MASON-2 bdrms, equipt kitch- Child Care-Colerain TwpMt. gotiable. 793-5801.

air, carpet, bsmt. to 6 weeks, job placement yard. SERVER CASHIER FOOD PREP-Mature, honest, dependable. Apply in person, Gourmet de Paris, 309 Vine uuanty, dependable care, E. WALNUT HILLS--2 bdrms, 2 baths, pool, garage, security.

Lease, leasepurchase. $750. Call Peggy 474-5000 231-7161. Full Time. Detail-oriented.

tail sales or maintenance rience helpful. 77S9 Reading Rd. S6UU. J0W8OO code 5673 Fast paced service business needs full time manager. Responsibilities include: Personnel, scheduling, payroll, inventory, computer bookkeeping experience a plus.

Salary starts at please call Cindy, 825-0898 Mother's Helper for our 4 5 assistance. West Chester, OH Reg. 353 Commercial Driver Institute. 1-800-695-6959. GOLF MANOR-Childcare for Mon thru Fri 2-4pm MIDOLETOWN-Picturesque country living, stately, historic Kitchen CD.

COUNSELOR Innovative successful treatment program for chemically dependant adolescents. Looking for a full time professional. Master's Degree andor certification preferred. Send resume with salary history to: PO Box 75148, Cinti, Oh 45275 E. WALNUT HILLS -2 BR, rlv- year old gins.

Anderson i wp. M-F, 17 hrswk. NS, Car necessary. Refs. required.

Begin late August. 232-7608. 2nd or 3rd shift. Refs available. $1.00 hr.

531-7306 restored farmhouse. Non- view; pool, exercise rm, WAITERSWAITRESSES THE HARLEY HOTEL 15,000 commission, po Box 18786, Erlanger, Ky 410)8 storage, etc. 281-77BI, 861-8700 NURSE AIDES 7-3 or 3-11 Full time positions open immediately. Excellent salary, free hospitalization, pension plan, sick days and vacation. MUST HAVE NATP CERTIFICATION.

Accepting applications Mon-Fri 9-12 and 1-3. Summit Hilltop Nursing Home, 2586 LaFeuiile, Westwood. MT. Healthy Child Care-Moms Now hiring fuH part time CHILDCARENeeded in my smkrs. $700 dep.

696-2229 MONROE-Ranch $700. Madl-sonvilll 5 BR $500. Cov. 2 BR $250. Sec.

8683-5810 Currently has the following positions available: Southern Ohio College Fairfield, N. Ky 242-3791 (79-02-0655-6B 79-03-06 56-B need a good sitter? 9 yrs exp. Meals Great rates. 522-5666. EASTGATE--3 bdrm town-house, newly decorated, equipt kit, garage, bsmt, pool tennis.

MANAGER TRAINEE Retail, Finance. Corell Personnel. 793-9808 Hyde Park home. Eves 4 wknds. Adult, trans refs req.

Call 871-1108. 9-5. servers. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. No experience necessary.

Call 533-5200 3-5pm. Dishwasher Kitchen Prep Person LOVING Mother will care for DO mo dep. 752-8138 RESIDENT MANAGER-APTS your child in my home. West Chester 381-2800 code 5626 PAR TIME-Sitter needed Competitive wages and bene MT ADAMS-Historic, 3 Bdrm 2Vj BA, prkng, riv vw, wbfp, garden, AC, $1475. 631-1191 wkend, 861-8791 wk Cincinnati Metropolitan College Experienced, mature couple or fits.

If interested, please apply Babysltting-My Milford home RAMADA ingle person, who enioys immediately for 1la year old infant in November in Bridgetown area. 941-4555. 4Jiu eertus, m. Bernard, uh 242-0202 EASTGATE -Discount rent. Fantastic 2 bdrm; enjoy wbfp, comm.

pool, tennis 8, fountains; teed the horses off your back patio. $550. 752-7816 for discount rent Info in person at 8020 Montgomery Rd Kenwood. No phono colls ploasot mtant-4 yrs. will take U( child, rets, exp.

248-2077 MT AUBURN-3 BR. 2'? baths. IMC COORDINATOR Full time position available. 2-5 years experience in Library work helpful. State certification in Media'Ltbrary Sciences required.

Send resume to: Great Oaks, Attn Personnel, 3254 E. Kemper Cinti OH 45241. EOE BABYSITTER -Mature person ROOM ATTENDANTS fenced yard, security system, araqe wopener, eqpt kitchen, CHILDCARE-ln my Mt. HOUSEPERSON working with active mature adults in a church related, retirement community. Compensation- salary, apt, health insurance, benefits.

Send resume refs to: PO Box 54644, Cinti, OH 45254-0644 LINE COOK Home Health Care to Daoysit imam in our Norwood home. 30 hrswk, Mon-Fri. Non-smoker. 731-5339 307 tuumo. Lan 791-2238 Healthy home, ages 3 up.

Exp'r i refs. 521-4959 co*ckTAIL SERVER FOOD SERVER MT. LOOKOUTTUSCULUM- FAIRFIELD--2 bdrm town-house wgarage, equip kit, S475-t- dep 825-0303 LOVELAND--TLC childcare, CHILD CARE NEEDED-ln our Charming, 1 bdrm, un- NURSE AIDES Accepting applications for I Ipm to fam full part-time; 3-1 lpm part-time; 7am to 3pm weekend relief. Ohio State registration required. Pre-employment physical paid.

Competitive wages. Apply daily, or EOE. ST. MARGARET HALL I960 Madison Rd Cinti 45206 Experienced. Apply in person to Chef Michael Gross at the Boot Restaurant, 1001 Vine St.

Cinti. experienced, DISHWASHER DESK CLERK Apply in person 1-75 4 Sharon Rd. Setting. FT OT PT. 683-2228 Pleasant Ridge home, infant, Mon-Frl, light housekeeping, NS, references.

731-5749. rurn. itjau nome wwveiy garden, fenced yrd, on historic registry, new carpet floors, CA, RESIDENT MANAGER FAIRFIELD-2 bdrm, l'i bath, laundry fac, pool, tennis court, clubhouse. 829-8969 PERSONAL CARE: Someone you can trust to care for someone you love. For specialized home care services caH: MILFOR D-Mother of 3 will INVESTMENTS Administration Research Internship.

Training and modest salary for 6 months to 1 year. Macintosh experience essential Securities Trading, Inc. 579-1000 all appliances Included. Avail. Management Maintenance Lots of TLC for 3 yr old in your watch children ages 2VV4.

2 min. from 1-275. 831-3127 Sept. $650. 533-3950 Western Medical Service! 241-2260 Retail Careers 365 couple needed for 64 unit apt.

community in Gifton area, Re- home Nor wood Oak ley area pref. NS please. 351-4751 FAIRFIELD-2 bdrm, 2 bath, Indry hookup, pool, S51S. Vacant. 874-5945 MADISONVILLE-Nr Marie- NORTH AVONDALE-3 bdrm ranch, carpet, nice yard, available $400mo $400 MILFORD-Experienced, NS moot child care wkdays.

$40, $30eaadd'l child. 561-5720 NICE COUNTRY HOME-Faml- person tor children ages 4 7. Start late Aug. 831-0522 dep. 381-2800 code 5564 FAIRFIELD-2 bdrm town-home, fin bsmt, wbfp, equipt.

5575. 777-4317 or 786-6935. CHILD CARE In my Colerain MARXETINGPR Generalist with 5 years experience for growing PRMarket-. COUNTER PERSONNEL sponsiDte for leasing apts, maintenance, cleaning, etc. Previous experience helpful but not required.

Compensation includes apt. salary. Send resume or letter to: Property Manager 7420 Montgomery Cinti, OH 45236. PRICE HILL-3 BR on pvt drive, CHILD CARE-for infant in my ly atmosphere, will care for elderly in my home, nursing experience, references available, 1-549-2639. nome, i openings, ages 1-5, references, 74) 1459 NURSE AIDES AH shifts.

Excellent salary and benefits including pension. Apply in person Clermont Nursing and Convalescent Center, 934 St. Rt. 28, Milford, located I mile east of 1-275. EOE.

tenced yd, equipt, $500 dep. Call 451-7387 Uttron nome or yours 8-6pm M-F. NS. 381-2800 code 5596 ing Communications firm. MANAGER FAIRFIELD-2 bdrm con-dostownhouses.

2 tdrms, 2 full baths, WD hook-up. Call 829-1907 for appt. Farmi OOC Hands-on client services. Out PRICE HILL, East -2 houses: 8 Full time. Afternoon shift: 3:30 CHILD CARE-Needed in my standing writing and media Country Homes LOj rms, part of a 2 family; 7 rm Will care for elderly, male or 30Dm.

AddIv in oerson. 9701 Immediate openings. We're on the grow at Widmers Dry Cleaners 8, we need additional help. Start meeting the public at the counter then learn many other jobs. Flexible hours, partfull time, Apply in person only: Widmer's Dry Cleaners, skills; organized self-starter.

iri-LOumy area nome, run time days, 1 infant. 874-3195. Kenwood Rd, Blue Ash. SEAFOOD MANAGER Healthcare experience a plus. MORROW single ramny.

Kent $45-500mo. 471-4450, 244-6033 temaie, in my nome. By nour, day or month. Call 248-0302. FAIRFIELO-2 BR, 1 ba powder rm, equipt kit, deck, utils.

874-0307 Send resume to: P.O. Box Farm house on horse farm. Manager MESA GRILL I CANTINA 58470, Cinti, OH 45256. 381-5006 NANNY for toddler. FT days in our Clifton home.

NS, mature, refs. 381-2800 code 5615 Wanted tor large retail operation, experience required. Premium pay. 829-1918 ext 14. SAYLER PARK Lg.

4 BR 2- story. Lg. yard, river 8, park- NURSE AIDES 2016 Madision KdlHyde rarK) View. S65U UTMS. 6J-5432 Assisted care for ambulatory elderly In lovely home by R.N.

777-0863 FAIRFIELD-2BR, Wl BA, fully equipt laundry facll. In apts. $475. 858-1989 I0am-6pm WILLIAMSTOWN, Ky-Ranch style farmhse. Hospital Rd.

Box 480 Barnes Pike. 21 ac, stocked A fast pace full service Tex-Mex Restaurant now hiring ex SITTER Housekeeper-2 days. SERVICE MANAGER for 10 mo. old. my Westwood Excellent salary and benefits including pension.

Apply at: Batavia Nursing Conv. Inn, 4000 SHARON VILLE--Nice 3 BR, 1 BA ranch, attached equipt Local HV AC wholesale distribu NURSE INSTRUCTOR POSITION perienced Kitchen Manager, lake, 2BR, WB stove-oil furnace home, N5, refs. 661-8713 FLORENCE-Oakbrook Sub tor hiring. At least 5 years exp ear-in savs dep. zj-34u.

S350dep 8P-11 1-606-331-1853 RETAIL SALES Assistant Kitchen Manager, I and Bar Manager for new Cintl COMPANION Mature, loving, division. Newly remodeled 2 WESTWOOD--M-F, my home. SPRINGDALE-3 bdrm, experienced, good refer Full time position available to Resorts location, sena resume to: wesa Need experienced caregiver. bdrm, lVa bath, garage, pool tennis. $550.

474-3447. ences. Call 851-2298 290 in hv al industry. iood personality and attitude a must. Send resume to Service Manager, PO BOX 32300, Cintl, OH 45223.

International. 771 Corporate i-ZBUucoae smu baths, split, c.air, family rm. Exc. neighborhood. Available Cottages FOREST PARK-2 BR, 2 BA, NANNY For our CA.

home 30 ur buite 4 10, Lexington ky 40503. Attn: Brandon Otto. 8159). $750. 779-7044 Coming soon to Montgomery Square Shopping Center.

Famous Footwear, a nationally known and respected retailer is currently accepting applications for part time and full time CAPE COO-Charmino 4 bdrm teach high school students in the area of health occupations. Must be a lisenced RN plus possess 5 years of recent work experience In the health field. Send resume to: Personnel, mi. so. San Fran.

2 kids. Rm, Loiaen ge rsatavia, un. "nTuRsTwDET" PRIVATE DUTY S50 SIGNING BONUS Part or full time, we need you now, all areas of town avail. Need phone, ref, exp. State cert, not req.

Call Family Care Inc. 721-7440 TRENTON-3 bdrm, 2 baths. LADY-desires to care for elderly M-F. Your home Trained, exp, refs. 931-4096 cottage in quaint village; short Restaurant board, salary.

(415 361-8651, ranch duplex, rR wwbfp, laundry hookup, equipt kit, patio, ca, new carpet, gar. $550 dep. Lease. No pets. 931-4744 Fenced yard.

$680 mo. Call Medical Dental walk to pvt. beach. Fully eouipt. 350 FUNKY'S CAFE 988-5122 after 6.

Avail, this summer. 761-2112. Personnel Services 320 W. HARRISON, acre, CAPTIVA ISL, FL-Beach Great Oaks JVSD, 3254 E. Kemper Rd, Cinti, OH 45241.

EOE Now hiring Line Cooks. Apply In person Kenwood Towne HYDE PARK-2 bdrm 2 bath, 20th fl. corner, N. 8. E.

outlook, home. Pool, tennis, dock. Week- Domestic Help Wanted 310 modern bdrm, 2 bath ranch, approx. 35 min. to downtown.

Opportunity Centre. 891-4490 ly, avail Irom 824. 232-7673. pool, all amenities, $85. Ted Hattemer 321-4944 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE $695 dep.

ret. 637-)629 CLEARWATER BEACH, FL-2 241-8475 and OPPORTUNITY TEMPS, 65I-OO07. 435 Elm St. Suite 400. RESTAURANT HELP OUTREACH WORKER sales position, we otter training, flexible working hours, good money, a congenial working environment and an employee discount program that will make shopping for you and your family fun again.

Applications will be accepted from 9am-5pm, Mon July 15 thru Thursday July 18 Apply in person at Famous Footwear, 9889 Montgomery Rd. Cinti, Oh WALNUT HILLS E- 4 BR, BR, 2 bath condo on water, LANDENHARBOR RIDGE-2 LIVE-IN COMPANION-For el excellent view. 779-8288 bdrm, IV bath, FR, WBFP, at Women's chemical dependency brick, off-st pkng, porch wview of Ohio River Valley. Cooks and Cashiers, daysnights. Apply in person at: BW-3 inside Forest Fair Mall, tached gar.

961-5222 days, program is seeking applicants Job Listing Services derly lady, Igt housekeeping meal preparation for board, small salary own 322 CUMBERLAND LAKE -Peaceful getaway vacation home. 3 sau uin. i-ij4j, ive msg. VH4-ui 1 eves weekends to work In the African Ameri NURSING TECHNICIANS Full and Part time positions available on all shifts. Must be State certified.

Apply at: CRESTVIEVV NURSING HOME 2420 HARRISON AVENUE lower food court. can Appatacian communities in porms by wk or gay 85 1-J62 This Individual will possess an extensive billing background, as well as working knowledge of LOTUS 123. Knowledge of medicare billing is helpful. You must be capable of acting inde living quarters In nice Fair MASON-2 BR, 2 BA, FR, wbfp, WEST CHESTER-Lg 3 bdrm, baths, WBFP, 1 yr old, golf RESTAURANT field home. Must be able to CUMBERLAND LAKE-Apple Butler County.

Must have experience in substance abuse 2 car garage, window cover-ings, $800. 677-0734 course property, bou- 184 drive. 829-5073 Valley. Equipt condo, $65niaht. MANCHU WOK POSTAL JOBS S12.27hr to start Ages 18-65 Carter Exam Center 369-8086 anq outreach, bachelors ae- SJ3UWK.

MILFORD-2 BR, 2 full baths, Now hiring part or full time. All WESTERN HILLS-Desperate owner transferred. Lg 43 estate home nr. C.C Reduced preferred. Send resunme 0: Jan Adams, 520 High FLA ST.

PETE (Dock View positions avail, inquire wnnin: equipt, deck, poottenms. $600. 831-7004. (616) 865-3265 HI), CLEARWATER BEACH YARO PERSON-Maintain yard including mowing, trees, bushes. Eastern part of Hamilton, uh 4yjn SISOOmo.

451-0588 pendently, as you will be responsible for preparing and maintaining the nursing staff schedule. This will require close interaction with the nursing staff, as well as administration. If interested, send resume and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS HIRING! Your Area. KENWOOD TOWNE CENTRE MALL 2-3 bdrm HOUSES, 961-5555 NORTHGATE VILLAGES Hamilton Co. Send refs.

to: FLA TampaSt Petersburg OFFICE MANAGER Multl office dental practice requires experienced manager; must have computer, medicaldental administrative experience. Excellent salarybenefits. Resumes to: Dept 4269, P.O. Box 37429, Cinti. OH 45222.

7875 Montgomery, Rd. PHOTO LAB TECHNICIAN J72.0O0 yr. Call 1-805-564-6500. WESTWOOD-1565 Tremont Ave. 6 rms, full both, $450 mo Box F-591 Enquirer, 617 Vine Immed occupancy, 2 bdrm, rental credit can apply towards BR 1st fl waterfront condo fully Ext GB249 for imm response.

RESTAUR ANT-Now acceptin. deposit. 251-647 Area professional photo lab Umi UH 4SAH-UU6. equipt. 7JJ-5I6I eves bbz-ybv purchase, $595.

ill-mi applications for PM LlNl seeking persons experienced in FT MYERS, FL-New 3 bdrm, Resume Services A-l HOMES Prime areas COOK, experience preferred. 325 PRICE HILL-Fabulout river salary requirements to: Personnel, Williamsburg of Cincinnati, 200 W. Galbraith Rd, Cintl, OH 45215. viaeo analysis or coior correc nr beach, garage, all amenities, LIVE IN COMPANION tion. 1 -ww coae iz Also PM DISHWASHER.

Apply in person: 11-5, Wed thru Fri, month. 1-2 year qoit mci. Monthly. 6U6-3J 1-UJ6 KYcity views. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, security.

$650. 922-1058 For elderly lady. Light housekeeping meals. For room July 10-13 or Tues 716, High- VISUAL DISPLAY Hess's Dept Store seeks an artistic person to work full time in our exciting display dept. We offer a challenging future for the right individual If you are creative and have a strong sense of fashion Hess's may have a position for you.

Benefits include: Blue CrossBlue Shield Major medical Company paid life insurance 10 paid holidays Paid vacations Liberal merchandise discounts Apply in person Hess's Florence Mall, EOE. leases, uwners over seas. EL RAY REALTY 522-8770 Great Smokey Mtn.Gefaway iana country uuo, vji Aiexan- Log Cabins, Chalets, Condos RECEPTIONIST For doctor's office at Jewish Hosp. Prof. Bldg.

Apprx 23-27 hrs. Mon-Thurs. Telephone typing skills required. 221-1438 Doara ana smsii salary 231-5505, 522-1207. SANIBEL ISLAND, FL-Sundial Gulf Front Deluxe condo, 2 BR, 2 BA, super fall rates.

231-6359 aria t-Ke, r-t 1 nomas, y. POLICE OFFICER PART TIME nnoTeis. ouy Also rionoa CHIROPRACTIC ASS'T Houses-Lease Option to Buy 255 CAREERPRO Free Consultation Guaranteed Results Electronic Resume Network Call today: 771-3303 230 Northland Blvd 204 HILTON HEAD-1 bdrm on RESTAUR ANTPUB-Day or uytime B4-U66U or Ocean. Labor dayFall wks. sp.

oartenoer, servers, ousper COMPANION needed for 69 yr old female In family home in The Citv of N. Colleoe Hill an sonbarback. Days, nights, rales, tn-itis or vw-ouu SPRINGDALE-Lg. 3 bdrm, 2000 sq. ft.

Sec. sys. Walk-in Needed for the new Cincinnati Health Institute. Must have degree and chiropractic experience. Get In on the ground floor of this exciting facility.

Send RECEPTIONIST weekends. Part time, full time. Anderson. Light nouseworK, nounces examination for the above position. Written exami closets.

$950mo. 79-4415. LAKE CUMBERLAND-4 rm cottage, good location, modern AMELIA TWIGGS CORNER New 4 Br, 2 story, Wooded V7 ac. lot, Jacuzzi, Stone WBFP, deck, Gas Heat. Quality thru-out.

A MUST SEEI Builder will Will train. Apply Molloy's On Nets required. mmm? nation will be held at on The Green, 10 tntieia it, Accounting conveniences, juz-boo-sobi. TRI CO. AREA-The Crossings.

Deluxe tnhouse; 3 BR, 2'i BA, 851-5434 330 July 20 at NCH City Hall. Examination will consist of a qualify ibvi Williamsburg of Cincinnati Is looking for a Receptionist to work In the Administrative Office. The Ideal candidate will Financial resume ana cover letter to: Stephanie FiferMarketing Director, 7712 Hamilton Cin-tl. OH 45241. No phone calls.

LAKEFRONT COTTAGE-20 mlns Flor Mall. Sleeps 10. 100 CA, WBFP, carpeted, 2 car consider Land Contract to qualified Buyer. $145,900. Sales and Sales and ing, written exam, physical psychological examinations, gar.

No pets. $750mo dep. 370 keeper needed. Over 40 must love kids. Great pay, rm board.

Wkends off. 291-6654 370 ac woods. Pvt-only home on ACCOUNTING DaveColetta 733-3301871-1600 I Marketing Marketing awi nnapie urge ur. houbo lake. WkMo.

586-8384. COMPANIONS-LIVE IN background check and oral interview. Minimum require possess good people skills and telephone techniques. If interested, please apply: Williams- PARA PROFESSIONAL WEST CHESTERTRI-CO. MYRTLE BEACH-2 bdrm, 2 bath, hi-rise condo located on bdrm, l'j baths, utility room, year degree or equivalent We need you to care for our patients.

Need refs, phone, and a caring attitude. Call Family Care 721-7440. ments: state certification, free from cardio-vascular pulmonary disease, and able to meet Durg Management, 200 w. Galbraith Rd, Cinti, OH 45215. tennis, Laxora acnoois.

the beach. Fully furnished, LIVE-IN COMPANION-For charming, elderly woman in Oxford, OH. Room, board 8. $460mo. 231-5385 after 5 experience for CPA firm in Sharonville.

Non-smoker. Send sleeps 6, inoutdoor pools, light. ANDERSON TWP-Beautiful 6 BR, 3' jBA, 1.7 acre wooded lot. ed tennis, weekly rentals. By salary.

(617) 354-7976 WYOMING CLUB CONDOS resume to: P.O. Box 62217, Cincinnati, OH 45262. Spa, large deck, many xtras. owner. $795wk.

513-4JJ-2023, COOK Luxury 2 bdrm condu, WBFP, tne pnysicai requirements ot the 10b. Applicants must receive passing score of 70 on the written exam to qualify for further examination. Applica 2uoomontn. 2J2-5115 MYRTLE BEACH DAYS bsmt, pool, itm. 48V-6B4.

Luxury oceanfront condos. CLEANING PERSON -To help with laundry cleaning Frl only to start. Wyoming area. Call Mon-Frl 9 to 5, 542-6677. COLERAIN-LeaseOption to buy 3 bdrm ranch, slab, oversized detached garage.

Indoor pools, Jacuzzis, $59 up. tions obtained at NCH Police RNLPN Excellent salary and benefits including pension. Apply in person Batavia Nursing Convalescent Inn, 4000 Golden Age Dr, Batavia. Condos for Rent Option to Buy 245 FuH time position. Will train.

Excellent benefits pension. Apply in person Clermont Nursing and Convalescent Center, 934 St. Rt. 28, Milford, located 1 mile east of 1-275. EOE.

1646 W. Galbraith Rd. BOOKKEEPER OFFICE MGR 550mo, deposit 385-7422. Free brochure. Smith Rentals until July 17, 1991.

GLENDALE 3 BR brick, 1 car REPORTER-Needed for coun BLUE ASH-Large 2 bdrm, family rm, wet bar, deck, end unit, across from golf. 984-6070 garage, land contract. $4000 MYRTLE BEACH 8. Isle of Palms, Charleston SC Ocean front condos 941-1110, 922-5836 ull Charge Bookkeeper ty seat weekly. Hands on posi down, $645mo.

231-0246 SitterHsekpr needed in my W. Chester home start Aug for 3 scM age kids-5 dyswk. Live-in poss. 381-2800 code 5592 RNLPN tion includes writing, editing, AUTO SALES Greater Cincinnati's only downtown Lincoln-Mercury dealer is looking for an experienced Auto Salesperson. WE OFFER: Combination Selling Upto 30 Commission Medical Plon Demo If you feel you may qualify and have a good driving record along with verifiable references, call BILL FEIGHERY for on interview.

RIDGEVIEW LINCOLN-MERCURY 633 W. 3rd St, Covington, KY 431-4444 HYDE PARK-2 BDRM photography. Send resume to: DENTAL ASSISTANT Dedicated, 2 yrs. minimum on the job experience as chair side-4 handed required. FT.

No eveswknd. Salbenefits open. Please call Barb 729-2700 det. CA, pvt deck back FAIRFIELD-21, quiet top fir of a 12 unit bldg. 5466 Camelot Dr.

$480. Flex terms. 543-3345. OCEAN FRONT-Condo. N.

Myrtle, SC. 3BR, pools, jacuzzi. 738 1 104, 1-800-476-4897. morrow county sentmei, r.u, needed for Industrial Scrap Processor in Queensgate area. Individual must be experienced in financial statement preparation able to manage computerized accounting system.

De- $750mo. $3500 down. 793-9855 BOX 149, Mt. Gilead, OH 43338. HYDE PARK NR-Brick, full CAREGIVER for elderly man on family farm.

Salary rmboard. 513-523-4882 FuH time part time positions available, 3-11 shift. Friendly, caring atmosphere dedicated to quality care. Call 662-5661 ask for Myrna. We're 15 minutes from downtown Cinti at 2373 Harrison Ave.

SOCIAL WORK-Juvenile Mason-3 BR, eqpt, fin FR, WBFP, $675 Days 563-0870 Aft 1 8. wknds 777-0036. No pets. bsmf, ca, WBFP, 2 bdrms, Ig country kit. excellent location, WARSAW KYCraigs Creek.

3 bdrm cottage, furnace, 1 bath, city water, access to Ohio Riv-er. Asking $31,500. 341-3563 Counselor position in day treat iree preferred. benefits, resume to: Cohen, 990 S950mo. $99,900.

581-5162 5th Cintl, OH 45203. MADISON PLACE -2 story. Houses for Rent 250 LIVE IN-Companion for father 8. baby boy, plus some household chores, 625-6034 ment program for troubled adolescents. Requires patience and flexibility.

Human services degree. Excellent benefits. Resume to: D. Brighton Center, P.O. Box 325, Newport, Ken 4BR, garage bsmt.

$500mo. DENTAL ASSISTANT Immediated full time opening tor experienced dental assistant in Northern KY Pediatric office. Competitive pay and excellent benefits including health plan. 361-2800 code 5639 dep UIIIS. 6-84I4 MILFORO-Contemporary trl- COLLECTORS ANDERSON -3 BR, 1st fl of 2 Fam.

Wbfp, equip kit, htwtr, no pets, $650-)- dep 474-39)2 level, 3 BR, land contract. $6000 tucky 41072. bUt. Travel Guide Live-in companion TLC for father son. Salary.

Must help in business. Call 542-6922. down, $IQ99mo. 231-0246 FTPT. AM, noon or eves, low claims, beautiful offices fami MILFORD-Rent wopt to buy.

SOCIAL WORKER Resort Directory Old Milford 3 br house, fenced ANDERSON TWP-Elegant executive 4 bdrm. Family room, jacuzzi, hot tub. Asking $1850. 489-0088 W. Palmer Realtor ly oriented.

Agency or finance experience a must. Growth po- yd oarage. Separate play DENTAL ASSISTANT Energetic team oriented Individual. Some chair side experi' ence needed, call 931-7542 Small nursing home. P.O.

Box 6276, OH 45206-0276 or tennai. lan aner 6pm. mi-jw PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER CHAUFFEUR-Refere-nces required. 961-8412 Vacationers! call 381-2800 code 5506 house, air cond, dishwasher, DR, LR, 1 bath, study, ww carpeting, wbfp, enclosed front porch, pvt patio back, Grape RNLPN NURSE ASSISTANTS WELLSPRING HEALTH CENTER Enjoy flexibility in your work schedule while earning top wages. We need you to work PRN to fill In for days off of regular staff and cover vacations and call-offs.

Higher wage offered for working weekend and filling in with short notice, Experience required. Nurse Assistants must nave certification. To apply or obtain infor 2ND SHIFT ACCTS. RECEIVABLE Look in Sunday's SOCIAL WORKER DENTAL ASST-needed for specialty practice in Blue Ash I Milford. 38 1-2800 code 5650 ANDERSON TWP-Turpin Hills, 4 bdrm, 2Vi balh, 2 story Colonial.

Beautiful yardlovely neighborhood. 1-2 yr lease available at $950mo. Security deposit. $1200. 624-0612 Needed full time, M-F for small TRAVEL SECTION Arbor, s4umo.

iis-jin 30 to 1 1 pm for experienced CLEANING LADY who is willing to work. 489-6429 AUTO SALES Maior Ford Dealership needs (4) experienced salespeople. If you have the desire to succeed, we offer: 50-bed nursing home. BSW pre MT. HEALTH Y-Skyline acres.

accounting people in this d' namlc co. Call Tish or Wont for more Resort 3 bdrm, 2 bath, buy like rent, ferred. June 281-ivrc M-F 10-4pm. 721-2369 or Sherry 891-5335. need credot.

4B9-UU22 DENTAL HYGIENIST Immed. perm, part time opening for Thur, Fri and or Sat In Milford area. Call 831-4133 for Interview, (Bev) ADOW N. COLLEGE HILL-1609 Mari TEACHER INFANTTODDLER Child Care Help Wanted 312 Batavla-Eastgate-Deluxe, Spacious, townhse. 2 huge bdrms, 2Vi ba.

FamRm, WBFP, gar. Reid Young 786-8832 REMAX Elite Must Seel Rental info. To Place Your Advertisem*nt Data Processing lyn Ln. 3 bdrm brick, full bsmt, l'a car garage, CA, fenced, $4000 down, land contract, 10 335 DENTAL HYGIENIST Saturday's 6 hrs. Top pay, Hyde Park area.

321-2465 Commissions to 30 Demo Plan Med. Insurance Retirement Plan Paid Holidays 5 Day Work Week Advancement opportunity within our dealer group Mature, caring individual needed to care tor infants 8 toddler children ages 6wks-24 mos. Experience 8. degree pre mation, call Margaret at fixed, $745 Pill. No bank quaii- DATA ENTRY 948-2339.

fylng, no closing cost. 625-5188 Call (513) 723-2350 FULL TIME OR PART TIME NANNY Prof, couple seeks FT ex- BLUE ASH-3 BR ranch, 2 bath, 2 car gar, Sycamore Schls, no pels, refs. $900. 489-9080 ferred, out not required, west DENTAL HYGIENIST Eastside area: PT. Send resume to: Office Mar, P.O.

Box Chester area. Call 779-0003 per. Nanny to care for 2 little girls ages 3 1. Seeking RNLPN'S 9-11 am for info. NEW RICHMOND--4 bdrm country home on 30 acres, 1434 12 Mile Rd.

Must be dependable 8, have references. Rent $500mo dep. Call 753-8811 or 54391, OH 45254-0391 BLUE ASH-Carpenter'j Run. Avail 91. 4 BR, 2i BA, 2 car, no pets.

$1800 dep. 563-8765 Experience on IBM 34 34 preferred, but not necessary. Our associates enjoy a great benefit package that includes medical, dental, and profit sharing. Call to arrange an Interview: ANTHONY YATES AL CASTRUCCI FORD 831-7010 long-term reiationsnip. uo-mestic responsibilities Incl.

Full part-time. 1st 2nd shift for small 50-bed nursing home. Julie 281-1922 M-F IO-4pm. DENTAL HYGIENIST Restaurants OCn HotelsLounges JDU Non-smoker. Own car.

Good 55J-J6B tor appointment Part time. Milford. Call 831-2121 ref. 361-2800 code 5683 RNLPN CHEVIOT-4268 Bend Rd. 3-4 bdrm, 2 story, nice yard.

Bus line. $575 mo. 245-997 NORTHGATE-- 3 BR, fenced Small low stress nursing home. BARMAIDBARTENDER CALL MR. O'BRIEN (513) 721-3222 9:00 A.M.

NOON ONLY Wanted to Rent yard, garage, screened porch. Lease purchase. S500. 851-4165 297 DENTAL HYGIENIST 3-4 dayswk. No eves or Sats.

Florence practice. 371-3773 J53-VUU CHILDCARE--FT for 4 vr old in Hyae Harn nome. nb wiin NORTHSIDE-2702 Flrtree Ct. 3 RN PROGRAMMER TRAINEE CLER MONT 3BR 3BA 4000 SF barn conversion. All poss.

opt. $1100. 513-734-3684, 508-398-7262, (508 432-4180. Experience preferred. Good working conditions.

Must be neat, a real "go able to promote events. Excellent Prof, couple wout children own trans. a desire ener BR ranch, $475 dep. DOS database experience DENTAL HYGIENIST Pediatric practice, Montgom-ery. Part time.

Weds. 891-6034 gy to provide a stimulating HOP credit. SJV.VUU, 56J-444. environment, must oe its or required. The IMCO companies, 300 Washington St.

Alex- pay tips. Full-timepart-time. NORWOOD-5240 Rolston. older. 321-8063 after 5pm Part-time position requires knowledge ot medicare documentation, quality assurance, infection control and nurse aide training.

Call DON 751-3250 seek rental property for lease. Up to 1 yr. Prefer house wkje yd, 1-2 BR's. for occupancy 91. East of 71 North.

Range S400-t700mo. Call 621-8589 CAR SALES CLERMONT CO-New 3 bdrm ranch, 1 acre. 15 mins gate. $495 dep. 875-2117 angria, ht 4iwi.

6j3-46Vi Call i-jpm Mon. thru i-n. ONLY 868-1092, 1 v. msg. Large 6 rooms, 3 bdrm.

S395 tlOOOdep. 321-1150 DENTAL HYGIENIST Part time 2-4 daysmonth. Mt. Lookout. 671-2852.

O'CASEY'S IRISH PUB Engineers LIVE INmy home, room PLEASANT RUN -2 story 4 340 RN'S-LPN'S BARMAID NEEDED Technical BR. family room, wbfp, 2Vi CHURCH MINISTER w3 Chil CLIFTON -4-6 BR'S, 2 ba, nr UC, Avail starting in July-Aug-Sept. 861-5426 Carthage area. Call Lisa. Home Care 221-7337 Pediatric Nursing Care, Inc.

board in exchange tor child-care, 3 dayswk, own room, TV. Western Hills area, NS, ref. 922-3317 after 6pm baths, car gar, inground pool. Land contract. S6000 821-3513 Mon-Frl 10-opm.

dren seeks rental or house sitting In northwest Finney-town or Cintl school district RN'S. LPN'S. NA'S down, 1 099 mo. 231-0246 ail oay weekends. CLIFTON-5 6 bdrms, equipt kit, remod.

Nr UC hospitals. $900 up. 751-6951; 531-8712 co*ckTAIL PRICE HILL-Grand, 3 bdrm. for 1 yr. 522-4364 M.J.

NURSING REGISTRY 961-1000 DENTAL OFFICE Anderson Township, specialty practice is looking for a full time business assistant. Good starting salary and health insurance. No weekends or eves. Send resume to: Dept 4235, PO needs repair. S445 option.

No NORWOOOOakley-Unfurn- Accounting Financial 330 down pmt. Equipt. 9 i-iw iy isned 2 bdrm must be on 1st fl. 8. on busline.

731-5543 CLIFTON-ACROSS FROM UC CAMPUS. 5-6 BEDROOMS, 2-3 BATHS. $750-5850. 341-6050 RN-Weekend doubles. Work 32 pay for 40.

Competitive saiary. Pleasant environement. SEDAMSVILLE-2 family WAITRESSESWAITERS co*cktail waitresseswaiters apply in person after 5:00 P.M. Wed Thurs only. Caddy's 230, CADCAM Training Classes tt AutoCad INTERGRAPH SmartCAM Authorized Training Productivity Improvement Center Cincinnati Technical College 1513) 569-1764 WANTED -3 or 4 bdrm house, BOX 34v, UH Abiii.

Call DON 751-3250 iouu down, Build equity! 793-9855 equipt air. Needed by Great opportunity to work for an established dealer with a great reputation. WE OFFER: Plenty of Traffic Plenty of Inventory Free Demo Closed on Holidays Closed Sunday NewUsed Combinatio 25 Commission WE NEED: Aggressive salespeople with the desire to make money. A good driving record a must. Apply in person only to: Chuck Barkley or Jeff Kircher COLERAIN DODGE 8700 COLERAIN AVE.

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Aug. 18. eC B. 64I-I53Z RNsLPNsNAs CLIFTON-View, hospUC, 3 BR, equipt kit, ac, dishwasher, spacious 3 story, fenced yd, $600mo Util. 631-3598 Pete Rose way, cinti, oh WEST CHESTER-4BR quad.

Vl of 1st vrs lease applied to pur- Sgle older lady wants sm. hse Needed to work nursing homes, chase price. $1 100mo. 777-3524 COOK 21(i days per wk including Sat. Send resume to: Dr.

Frankel 748 Swifton Commons Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 to rent, uuiet-nsmkr-no pets Reasonable 921-6458 Alberta Short-Order Broiler. Experi and Med Surg. High pay, ible hours. Apply in person. LIFE HEALTHCARE 265 enced.

Guenther's, 7886 Cintl- WANTED: SECTION 8 Garages CLASSIFIED Dayton Rd, West Chester. Approved 3 bdrm house. Call 481-2832. 345 COVEDALE AREA Spacious, 3 BR, 1 bath. CA, formal dining room, hardwood floors, fenced back yard.

$575mo dep. NO PETS! Call DEBORAH DRENNAN with SIBCY CLINE 661-8200 662-9755. Management SERVICES, INC. 772-8513 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Kenwood. Full time.

4 days. Clerical experience necessary. Resume to: 8060 Montgomery Rd, Suite 302, OH 45236. MY SON NEEDS TO RENT A GARAGE 2 Professional women seeking house to rent or lease. Anne He used mine to rebuild a clas or Mary at 481-94)4 APPLEBEE'S Neighborhood Grin 8, Bar MOVE UP FROM FAST FOOD sic car; now I want it backl DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT COUPLE-w 3 children seeks 3 SECRETARY College Hill.

931-1213 BR home in the N. Ky. area to Experienced only, Ft. Mitchell Villa Hills area. 344-0400.

DILLSBORO, IN-New home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, landscaped, pond, barn, horsewalker, arena, 53 acres of great trails, ready for OAKLEYTavlor nr. rent woption. ni si is church. 1 car garage. J35 per Applebee's Is seeking Cooks for our Cincinnati locations.

We are Property Management Company seeks qualified individual MT. ADAMS-P 8. Executive month. 6BJ-5V9 norses, 45 mm trom cir rapidly expandina company city, 47j( seeks 2 bdrm apt. Must have 2-3 year lease.

245-9842. $600month. (812) 667 EMERGENCY ANIMAL TECH Entry level position with Clermont Co. Humane Society for animal sensitive person that dares to make a difference. Clermont Co.

resident. Part- jiiiiig.rtn "i eves, (812 667-4944. Rooms for Rent 270 HOUSESIT-Teacherno We are looking for a full-time secretary to work in our Administrative Office. If you have excellent secretarial skills, solid organizational skills, and would be interested in working for a growing company, please apply: Williamsburg Management, 200 W. Galbraith Rd, Cinti, OH 45215.

offering competitive wages 8, a positive working environment. Apply at: 340 Glensprings Springdale. 9998 Kings Auto witn excellent telephone teen-niques and general office skills. Computer knowledge including Word Processing required. Send resume to: Administrative Assistant, 7420 Montgom- children.

SprlngdaleFalrfield area. 867-9670. DILLSBORO IND-Nature lov-. ers' 1 BR new home on 3 acr on State Hwy. Gas heat, city water, S250 mo (812) 438-3678 CLIFTON -UC area, in a shared 5-bdrm house, $130 mo.

Call time, low pay position. Send resume to: Daryl Meyerenke, 14 Responding To CallConnection Ads Mall Deerfleld PRICE HILL-Fam of 4 on app. 10635 Techwood Blue Ash. James, 751-6759. ery unti, un Cherokee Trail, New Richmond Sec.B needs to rent 3 bdrm APARTMENT MANAGER COOKS--FTPT.

2nd 8, 3rd houseapt, by Aug. 531-6619 DOWNTOWN--816 Elm St. A. From any touch tone phone dial 381-2806 as in the ad (24 45157 or apply In person Clermont Co. Animal Shelter, Ftla-ger Rd, Batavia.

Medium size complex tor se shifts. 1 year experience pre $65wk, $15 deposit. Call WANTED-2 BR apt, house or E. WALNUT HILLS Rivervlew 4 bdrm, equipt, on st. park, FP, many nice things.

326 Collins. J695 mo. utils. S41-112S. ferred.

Apply in person: Per nior citizens. Section 8 back 381-3256, office hrs 8-12pm hours, 7 days a week). B. Listen to initial greeting. condo.

Mother son. section 8. Eastern Cinti. 831-8890 kins Restaurant, 1-275 8, Rt. 4.

SURGICAL ASSISTANT--For Eastside oral surgery office. ELMWOODHartwell-Clean ground necessary. Send resume: Enquirer Box S617, 617 Vine Cinti, OH 45201-OT16 C- When instructed press the 4 COOKS -Needed Experienced. FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR quiet rm wrefrig. On bus.

Nr 4 dayswk. Experience pre- aioii aa coae. Apply: Pigalls Cafe, 127 w. 4th 1-75. $55wk 779-2409; 741-4057 ferred.

Good benefits. 271-5900 ELSMERE, KY-New deluxe duplex, 2 BR, I 'i BA, Ig. decks, extra storage, S450. 727 0034. O.

Listen to the advertiser's Linn. won-aaT. GROESBECK-Nr. 1-275, In prvt 300 greeting. MANAGER Nursing home experience.

Send resume salary requirement to: PO Box 37162, Cinti 45222 home, shore utils turn, VET ASSISTANT E. At the sound of the tone $55wk. 385-5852 leave a message. ERLANGER Single family home, 3 bdrms, 1 bath, gar. J600mo dep.

384-1874 NORWOOD-2 rooms on 3rd F. The advertiser returns your call as Indicated. LPN floor, all utit* furnished some Progressive mid-west rent-to-own comany is seeking experienced Rent -to-Own Managers. Immediate openings available. Lucrative incentives and salaries from S24-S35K depending G.

You need a true touch tone turn. $IB0mo. 351-3546 FAIRMOUNT-3167 Beekman. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, carpeting, S500 util. Sec.

8. 948-1088. Employment 7-3, Mon -Frl. 35 residents tCF home. Good supervision doc- phone.

NORWOOD -Quiet building, Full time position for reliable, conscientious person for animal assistance. Kennel work and light maintenance. Experience preferred. Benefits available. Contact: Dr.

Kevin Ketring, College Hill Pet Clinic, 957 North BendRoad, Cintl, OH 45224. umentation requireq. vthbtti. laundry tociities, on busline. To Hear Your Messages 351-9451 3 SALESPEOPLE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Paid Training Program Competitive CompensationCommissions Excellent Benefit Package MULY BANG UP BONUS $30,000 PAID IN BONUS A Great Place to Work: Large weekly advertising budget to ensure you a continuous flow ol customers.

Unsurpassed working conditions. Large inventory. Managers willing to work with sales stafl to make the sale. Call Joe Stumpf. MEL FARR FORD 5221 DIXIE HIGHWAY FAIRFIELD, OHIO 45014 FINNEYTOWN -3 BR, bsmt, ac, garden, woods, 2 car gar, scenic view, $650.

761-9541 (Advertisers Only) LPN OAKLEY-La ovt rm, clean. instruction jud Home Health Care 307 Domestic Help Wanted 310 Nursing Services 315 Personnel Services 320 turn, heatutil incl, nr Milacron, COUNTER PERSON upon experience, we win oe interviewing for these positions on July 24 25. Must be willing to relocate. Submit resume to: Steve Scoggins, co National Rentals, P.O. Box 1479, Cleve-land, TN.

37364. snopinq, bus. 8 I-Q948 Wait on customers make sand FOREST PARK -781 Danbury Rd. 3 BR, 2 BA, eat-In den, AC, garage, 600. Call 948-1088.

A. Dial 381-2800 from any touch tone phone. If this Is the first time you are calling your voice mail box, press the (pound) FuH time, ll-7am. Low stress-sm 35 bed ICF, SU 40 weekends. 961-6452.

wiches: FuH time, salary negotiable. Apply person: Room and Board 275 WELLSPRING HEALTH CENTER Job Listing Services 322 Key ana enter vour 4 aiait coae, Blue Ash. 9701 Kenwood Rd LPN FOREST PARK Deluxe duplex. 2 bdrm, baths. Equipt kit.

$595 mo. 829-5672 Tri County, 477 E. Kemper Rd when instructed enter your temporary password, follow COLERAIN TWP-MuSt have PRODUCT MANAGER Slide Gates, Gas Purging and Continuous Casting for manufacturer of refractories and related Due to the increase In our resi Resume Services 325 Accounting, Financial 330 Data Processing 335 Incomel Private home. Koseiawn, 7617 Keaoing. ko Mon-Frl 3pm-1 Ipm.

Small SNF. Pleasant work environment. Competitive salary. Call D.O.N. dent census and an increase in the recorded messaoes.

522-5871, after 12 Noon. FT THOMAS, KY-2 bdrm, excellent location, inside garage. 241-0134 781-1930; DAY BUSSERS iroducts in Southwest Ohio. tesDonsible for manaaement 751-3250 our skill level, Wellspring is now looking for trainable Nurse Assistants, Certified Nurse Assis Day Care, Engineers, lechmcal 340 B. If you are calling to listen to your messages, listen to the 280 of all technical matters relating Service Management 345 initial greeting.

When instruct LPNRN NIGHT BUSSERS to application and development GROESBECK-3 bdrm, lVt ba, DR, FR, big bsmt, dbl garage $690 dep. 923-4673 861-6570 of refractories in the steel In tants, LPN's and RN's. We are looking for individuals who enjoy contributing to a growing In Home Cart-Of the highest Day or night shift. Work 36 Medical, Dental 350 Professional 355 dustry, including continuous HOSTESSHOST hrsweek get paid for 40. Good casting, slide gates, and gas ed, press the (pound) sign on your touch tone phone plus your 4 digit code.

C. When Instructed enter the password you set up with your Initial greeting. organization tnat otters em-olovee benefits and excellent saiary a. penetit*. HYDE PARK-2 bdrms, Ig.

kitchen, quiet street. $400mo. 621-2000 days; 321-9558 eves. quality win oe given to your precious child in Wyoming home. Being creative unique, I'll cherish 8.

adore your little one it provide a I DISHWASHERS compensation for dedicated 829-8000 LPNRN emDiovees. If vou are interest RestaurantsMotelsLounges 360 Retail Careers 365 Sales and Marketing 370 Secretarial, General Office 375 D. Listen to vour messaaes. Chester's Roadhouse In now hiring. Apply in person between vet educa- nurturing a.

tun yi fun ed in joining our team, please apply: Williamsburg Management. 200 W. Galbraith tlonal environment 821-1631 d-spm at Vbo womgomery rcu. You will be Instructed step by step on how to save and delete your messages, or make TOTS LANDING--577 Dudley, Excellent salary benefits incl. pension.

Apply In person at: Clermont Nrsg. Conv. Center. 934 State Route 28, Milford. Located 1 mile E.

of 1-275. EOE. Trades 380 DELIVERY DRIVER-Needed for Hyde Park area. Must be HYDE PARK EXCLUSIVE LOCATION! Lovely Colonial with 3 BR, exquisite new family room and kitchen. $2200mo.

dep. NO PETSI Call EMILY SULLIVAN DIETZ with SIBCY CLINE 321-9922 821-2259. OH 45215, or call Mar garet at 948-2339. Edaewood, accept ma cniiaren changes to your greeting. Part Time, Temporary 385 6 wksll vrs.

We are accred is or over, lan If you need assistance, call 421-6300, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon ited by the Ky Board of Ed for Preschool A. Kindergarten. Call General Help Wanted 390 Professional Jobs Wanted 393 DISHWASHER MEDICAL ASSISTANT day-Friday; 9 a.m.-3;30 p.m. Mi-si ij now tor interview.

PART-TIME CASHIER purging systems, rroviae technical services to steel mills concerning the facilitation of product application and use under field conditions. Prepare technical presentations and make recommendations relating to marketing of company products. Responsible for initiation and coordination of new product development; market development and pricing of specialties as described above; and technology exchange between the European and North American operations of company. Job requires Associates Degree In Foundry Technology or Ceramic Engineering Technology or Metallurgical Engineering Technology and eight years experience as Foundry Technician (Refractory Industry). Ex 355 saturaay.

Jobs Wanted 395 Professional University area. Car desirable. HYDE PARK-Hardwood firs, Rookwood FP, chandeliers, 7 rms, 2 bdrms. $950. 871-4637 AUGGIE'S BRIDGETOWN-Experlenced and deareed pre-school In FOUR SEASONS MARINA, teacher will provide classroom setting for your child In 4609 KellQflfl Ave.

Data Processing MEDICAL RECORDS SPECIALIST Data Processing 335 335 HYDE PARK MT. LOOKOUT-Charmlng, un-turn. 2'i bdrm home, 2 decks ASST PRODUCTION DIRECTORRADIO her home. 574-3457 Kelly FOOD SERVICE Child Care In home, ages 0-12. Will teach do crafts.

Meals 8, snacks prov. Play equip. Seasons Retirement Communi patio wlovely view. Lower level Rec. rm, Vi baths, ca, all appliances Inclu.

$775 mo. Avail Our large Mt. Auburn OBGYN office is in need of a energetic, Requires strong production Si writing skills, knowledge of digital processing equipment tv It now acceptina applica Springfield Twp 931-3894 organized detail oriented, in- 5ept.l to July I. 533-3951) tions tor COOKS, HOSTS HOSTESSES, PANTRY NORTHSIDE, Upper-Child aiviauai wno win oe responsive tor the maintamance distri SERVERS. Excellent wages, care.

Fenced yard, meals, multi-track recording. Must be organized and a good communicator On-air skills a plus. Minimum 3 years commercial radio air. SIP day. Call 542 17 benefits opportunity.

Appli perience must be in technical application, marketing and sales of refractory specialties bution of medical records. This full time position Is fast-paced HYDE PARK Z3430 Refurbished home by Hyde I Park Sq. Quiet 3 bdrms, 1-1 bth, equipt kit, deck, gar, CA, FP, laundry. No pets, non-. smokers.

$1400 utilities. cations accepted between CHild Care kt my provided 9am-5pm Mon-Frl. 7300 Dear aemanas accuracy. West Chester inciuaing suae gate compo Klngsgate experience, send resume, writ-ina samoies demo taoe to: wester Dr, Kenwooa vm-mw Call 77-W65 home. Kef.

Kitchen 451-1452 Carol Pleper 922-6600 We offer a warm, professional office which fosters a team work philosophy along with top pay benefits. If vou care The Cincinnati Enquirer The Cincinnati Post The Kentucky Post Established Cincinnati company has several part time positions available for Inside sales reps. We have working hours available to fit most schedules: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

to 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The Ideal candidates will be enthusiastic self motivated Individuals whom enjoy talking with people. Must be able to work 2 days. We offer hourly salary, Incentive bonuses, on the job training and pleasant office setting. To apply, contact our sales office weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

at 451-1310. Office located at: 5100 Crookshank Road (Western Hills Area) Equal Opportunity Employer Newspaper Box Y618, 617 Vine Onti, OH 45201-0116 We are an Equal Opportunity GROESBECK-Mother of 1 wlH sit In my home for (1) 0-15 dtSha's restaurant A bar IKH Great opportunity tor career nents, gas purging systems and continuous casting items. Must be fluent (speaking, reading, writing) In German (40-50 of time). Two years of the experience must include reading of German blueprints as regular part of lob duties. Must be mos oio.

can ai-otw Employer about people take pride in minded oerson who can com CHILD CAR I Falr field- Exp. AHiff.rri bine food and people skills. It wnat you oo, please can our mother care giver has PROGRAMMERS SYSTEMS DESIGNERS NEW RETAIL SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Manta Systems, the nation's leading designer and developer of Electronic Payment Systems for retailing, Is opening an office In Dayton Ohio and Is assembling a top notch team of programmers and systems designers to work on a maior new software project. Intermediate and senior level positions available. Retail software development experience a plus.

The skill set requirement are: 2 years plus language; Unix, DOS or OS2. Senior positions require 5 years MIS Attractive salary and benefits program. Send resume to Manta Systems, 5776 Stonerldge Mall Road, Suite 200, Pleasanton, CA 94588. ATTN: Donald Roscelll Business Manager tor an interview at 71-192L LANDEN AREA-Newer homes opening, yiy i BV-4J4 you can make it happen with a crew of 20-25 and want to work in Qntl's best new restaurant apply In confidence to: David R. i lor lease.

3 bdrm $1295mo. DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR ST. WILLIAMS PRICE HILL. 4 bdrm $l350mo. For more available for domestic travel (50 of time) and international travel (10).

Domestic travel Will babysit In my home. Hot MEDICAL TRAINEE P.T. Opening. Closely super' vised position; requires adner Information call 677-2220 Young, i vuv MonToomery kq, meais, lois ot ill. i-m is throughout U.S.

for trips of UH i4 YVJJ, T.l C. In my Sharonville Home. LOOK TO HUBER HOMES For the BEST In home rentals. ence to strict guidelines. Professional conduct excellent KITCHEN HELP Up to i yrs.

Exp. S6Sweek. 3-4 days duration. Must travel three times a year to Germany for trips of two weeks each. Wellspring Health Center It looking tor a Dining Room Supervisor.

The perfect candidate will possess the skills to supervise the food service staff in all phases ot the opera i Mason Loveland Sharonville attendance a must. DISHWASHERS Lan j-i i i 771-3662 Apply In person 8-2 M-F. No CHILDCARE AVAILABLE overtime as needed; Part or Full Time. Days phone calls, 1116 Main St, Cintl. End Aug thru mid June.

West Eves. AddIv between 2-4nm: buu a.m. p.m. baiary; Previous applications on file. tion.

Two years of nursing Lnesier, can iimi eve. Bill Knapp's Restaurant, 7500 LOVELAND -3 BR brickvinyl ranch, 2 full baths, 2 car gar, kit 8, great rm, wbfp, CA, fenced Send resume In duplicate (NO CALLS) to Da-vies, JOrf. 1099781, Ohio Bureau Bwchmont Aw. 231-S3H nome experience in tooo serv Ice It desired. If vou are Inter NURSE AIDE uoinyorq.

i3rmu. ij-ttoo 2 OPENINGS-Wreferral service, Fenced yard, struc-tured time, exc refs. 741-1507 KITCHEN MGR PREP ested, please apply: Williams. of Emotovment services, p.o. MADEIRA -2 bdrm.

all remod Exper. Prep Person wmgr po Caring qualified Aide needed Durg Management, uu Box 1618, Columbus, OH 43216. Galbraith Rd, Cintl, OH 4521S. eled, bsmt, garage. Short term or 1 yr lease.

$600mo. 7oned for 3-n sunt. Apply at: Ambassador South N.H., 3030 Corpa- An Equal Opportunity, Affln QUALITY CAR B-Play motes meals. Fenced yd, ages 2-5. Exc refs, Reading 733-0977 tential, fexc.

vac, ins, 5590926. 17 PIZZA CO. res, or bus. 271-7234 Iv. isg.

Ihia St. (Pleasant Ridue), monvo Acnon tzmpioytfr..

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.